Archives - January, 2010

17 Jan 10

The difference in between my old country and my new country is substantial. In this country you can take five dollars and transform it into a million bills. In my old country that same five bills would cater to your family for a number of days but you could not ever turn it into a bit more than that.

Making bets is a way of life. Whether you gamble at your local Texas Holdem Friday night poker game, whether you gamble at a casino on blackjack, whether you place bets on slot machines or you bet on the stock market – there is nada distinction.

When I came to this great country I had nix. And now, after years of studying the great bettors and their systems – it surely will not matter if I am handicapping a horse race, a NBA basketball game, the Super Bowl – I am cognizant and trust in my wagering system that I can make a living.

And I added to that know that in my heart there is no other life for me. I could not under any condition go back to my old country. They never observe and they at no time comprehend. They truly come from an alternate world, a distinct lifetime. It isn’t actually like this country.

This country is totally full of aspiration. And funds compels this a glimmer of hope. The advantage here is huge. A single poker chip is a chance. And what you do with that poker chip is entirely up to you.

Even so, one thing I must tell you is that you are required to have a wagering system. understand the great gamers out there. Take their odds systems and enhance them, make them yours. rehearse and evaluate them, evaluate them over and over again until you have mastered them.

Whether it is poker, blackjack, craps, the horse races or what ever your game is – learn your system of making bets. And if you might not know how, find a player who does and attain from them. Gain knowledge from them and acquire from their expertise. There are a lot of betting systems out there that offer you with all the details you want. The possibilities are endless and at your finger tips.

And bear in mind, the greatest gamble in life is love. If you admire what you do, if you love who you are with, if you accept being yourself – you cannot fail no matter what anybody at all tells you.

Now go out there and master your life. Conquer your betting system. And most of all be entertained.

(c) Giancarlo Casio. All rights reserved.

12 Jan 10

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Apuestas en Atlantic City, primero se legalizó en Mil novecientos setenta y ocho, ha proporcionado un aumento impresionante de la economía. Como resultado, Atlantic City es ahora una industria turística importante, con millones y millones de turistas cada año, pagando miles de millones de dólares para el disfrute.

Cuando usted piensa en el juego de casino en Atlantic City, lo más probable es que de póquer. En más de cincuenta millones de personas disfrutar de póquer, al menos una vez al mes y Atlantic City ofrece una serie de las mejores salas de póquer en el casino state.Just acerca de todos estos se colocan a lo largo del paseo marítimo y en la zona de Marina. Bally's, Harrah's, y las arenas son relativamente pequeñas en comparación con algunos de los casinos de juego en otros, aunque muchos ofrecen mesas de póquer con límite bajo y torneos diarios de Texas Hold'em, Five-Card Stud, y Omaha / 8 póker.

Las salas de poker en el Sands, Bally's Wild Wild West, y la mayoría de los otros casinos tienen un gran número de juegos no fumar para los clientes. El Tropicana tiene eventos deportivos en la televisión que se puede ver en todas y cada mesa. El Tropicana también cuenta con el Club de Poker Trop, abierta 24 / 7, donde los miembros pueden adquirir entre 50 centavos a dos dólares por hora para cada juego de póquer en vivo que tocan. Este dinero se puede gastar en la habitación, alimentos o bebidas y son sólo un incentivo para apostar en el póquer.

Juegos de azar en Atlantic City es con frecuencia estrechamente relacionada con la muy popular Trump Taj Majal, que anunció el primer sala de póquer de fumar. Cuenta con más de 70 mesas, donde puedan participar en muy pocos tipos de póquer, incluyendo pero no limitado a cinco-Card Stud, Texas Hold'em y Omaha ocho o mejor, para una entrada muy baja de $ 1 todo el camino hasta $ 600. Los torneos diarios, alto bajo juegos de póquer, y 2 torneos anuales, incluyendo el Campeonato de Poker EE.UU. y el Clásico Trump. El Taj Majal, junto con varios otros casinos, proporcionan lecciones de poker gratis para el principiante. Si usted es el juego en Atlantic City y que buscan el lujo y la elegancia, usted debe considerar el Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa y César.

Apuestas en Atlantic City ha dado nueva vida a lo que fue una vez una ciudad en ruinas. Descubre los juegos en Atlantic City, es emocionante y divertido.

12 Jan 10

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Scommesse a Atlantic City, prima legalizzata in Nineteen Seventy Eight, ha previsto un aumento impressionante per l'economia. Come risultato, Atlantic City è ora una grande industria del turismo, con milioni e milioni di turisti ogni anno, pagando miliardi di dollari per il divertimento.

Quando si pensa di gioco del casinò di Atlantic City, verrà molto probabilmente pensa di poker. Superiore a cinquanta milioni di persone che godono di poker almeno una volta al mese e Atlantic City offre una serie di migliori sale da poker casino nel state.Just su tutti questi si trovano sul lungomare e nella zona di Marina. Bally's, Harrah's, e la sabbia sono relativamente piccoli rispetto ad alcuni altri casinò gioco d'azzardo, anche se offrono molti tavoli da poker low-limite e tornei giornalieri nel Texas Hold'em, cinque-Card Stud e Omaha / 8 poker.

Le sale da poker al Sands, Bally's Wild Wild West, e la maggior parte degli altri casinò hanno un gran numero di giochi non-fumatori per gli utenti. Il Tropicana ha gli eventi sportivi in televisione che può essere visto da ogni e qualsiasi tabella. Il Tropicana dispone inoltre Trop Poker Club, aperto 24 / 7, dove i membri possono acquistare tra i 50 centesimi a due dollari l'ora per ogni partita di poker dal vivo che giocano. Questo denaro può essere speso per camera, il cibo o bevande e sono solo un ulteriore incentivo a scommettere sul poker.

Gioco d'azzardo ad Atlantic City è spesso strettamente connessa con l'estremamente popolare Trump Taj Majal, che ha annunciato il primo non-sala da poker non fumatori. È dotato di più di 70 tavoli, dove si è in grado di partecipare a ben pochi tipi di poker, incluso ma non limitato a cinque-Card Stud, Hold'em, Omaha e otto-o meglio, per una voce molto bassa di $ 1 tutta la strada fino a $ 600. Tornei giornalieri, Hi-Lo giochi di poker, e 2 tornei all'anno, compresi gli Stati Uniti Poker Championship e il Classic Trump. Il Majal Taj, insieme a diversi altri casinò, prevedono lezioni di poker gratuito per i newbie. Se sei il gioco d'azzardo ad Atlantic City e in cerca di lusso ed eleganza, è necessario considerare la Borgata Hotel Casino and Spa e di Cesare.

Scommesse in Atlantic City ha portato nuova vita a ciò che era una volta una città in rovina. Scopri il gioco ad Atlantic City, è emozionante e divertente.

12 Jan 10

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Wetten in Atlantic City, zuerst in Nineteen Eighty Eight, muss zusätzlich ein awesome erhöhen, um die Wirtschaft legalisiert. Als Ergebnis ist Atlantic City inzwischen zu einer wichtigen Tourismusindustrie, mit Millionen und Millionen von Touristen jedes Jahr, wobei Milliarden Dollar für den Genuss.

Wenn Sie der Casino-Glücksspiel in Atlantic City zu denken, werden Sie wahrscheinlich denken Poker. In mehr als fünfzig Millionen Menschen genießen Poker zumindest einmal im Monat und Atlantic City eine Reihe der besten Casino-Poker-Räume in der state.Just über all diese Angebote sind entlang der Promenade und in der Marina Bereich gelegt. Bally's, Harrah's, und der Sands sind relativ klein, wenn sie ein paar von den anderen Spielkasinos gegenüber, obwohl sie viele Low-Limit-Tischen und tägliche Turniere in Texas Hold'em, Five Card Stud bieten und Omaha / 8 Poker.

Die Poker-Räume im Sands, Bally's Wild Wild West, und die meisten anderen Casinos haben eine große Zahl von Nicht-Raucher-Spiele für Gönner. Das Tropicana ist Sportveranstaltungen im Fernsehen, die aus gesehen werden kann jegliche Tabelle. Das Tropicana bietet außerdem die Trop Poker Club, Open 24 / 7, wo die Mitglieder zwischen 50 Cent bis zu zwei Dollar pro Stunde für jede Live-Poker-Spiel spielen sie erwerben kann. Das Bargeld kann im Zimmer, Essen oder Getränke ausgegeben werden und sind nur ein weiterer Anreiz, auf Poker wetten.

Gambling in Atlantic City ist häufig eng mit der äußerst beliebten Trump Taj Majal, die das erste Nichtraucher-Pokerraum angekündigt verbunden. Es verfügt über mehr als 70 Tischen, wo Sie in der Lage sind, ganz wenige Arten von Poker, einschließlich, aber nicht auf fünf-Card Stud, Hold'em und Omaha acht begrenzt oder besser zu beteiligen, für einen sehr niedrigen Einstiegspreis von $ 1 den ganzen Weg bis zu 600 $. Tägliche Turniere, hallo lo-Poker-Spiele und 2 jährlich Turniere, darunter die USA Poker Championship und der Trump Classic. Das Taj Majal, zusammen mit einigen anderen Casinos bieten kostenlose Poker-Lehren für die Neueinsteiger. Wenn Sie Glücksspiele sind in Atlantic City und auf der Suche nach Luxus und Eleganz, müssen Sie die Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa und Caesar's.

Wetten in Atlantic City hat ein neues Leben, was einmal eine zerfallende Stadt gebracht. Entdecken Sie Spiele in Atlantic City, es ist spannend und lustig.

12 Jan 10

[ English ]

Parier à Atlantic City, en premier lieu légalisé en Nineteen Seventy Huit, a entraîné une augmentation impressionnante de l'économie. En conséquence, Atlantic City est maintenant une industrie touristique importante, avec des millions et des millions de touristes chaque année, en accordant des milliards de dollars pour le plaisir.

Quand vous pensez du jeu de casino à Atlantic City, vous aurez très probablement penser au poker. Au-delà de cinquante millions de personnes bénéficient de poker à tout le moins une fois par mois et Atlantic City propose un certain nombre des salles de casino meilleur poker dans le state.Just propos de tous ces éléments sont placés le long de la promenade et dans la zone de la marina. Bally's, Harrah's, et le sable est relativement faible par rapport à quelques-uns des casinos les autres jeux de hasard, même si elles offrent de nombreuses tables basses-limite de poker et tournois quotidiens au Texas Hold'em, Five Card Stud, Omaha et / 8 de poker.

Les salles de poker à l'hôtel Sands, Bally's Wild Wild West, et la plupart des autres casinos ont un grand nombre de jeux non-fumeurs pour les clients. Le Tropicana a des événements sportifs à la télévision qui peuvent être vus de toute table. Le Tropicana dispose également du Trop Poker Club, ouvert 24 / 7, où les membres peuvent acquérir entre 50 cents à deux dollars l'heure pour chaque jeu de poker en live, ils jouent. Cette trésorerie mai sera consacré à la chambre, la nourriture ou des boissons et ne sont qu'une incitation à parier sur le poker.

Gambling in Atlantic City est souvent étroitement liée à la très populaire Trump Taj Majal, qui a annoncé le premier non-fumeur salle de poker. Il comprend plus de 70 tableaux, où vous êtes en mesure de participer à tout un peu de types de poker, incluant mais non limité à cinq-Card Stud, Hold'em et Omaha huit ou mieux, pour une entrée très modique de 1 $ tout le chemin jusqu'à 600 $. Quotidienne des tournois, des jeux de poker Salut Lo, et 2 tournois annuellement, y compris le Championnat US Poker Classic et le Trump. Le Taj Majal, avec plusieurs autres casinos, tirer des leçons de poker gratuit pour les débutants. Si vous êtes de jeu à Atlantic City et en quête de luxe et d'élégance, vous devez considérer le Borgata Casino de l'Hôtel et Spa et César.

Pari à Atlantic City, a redonné vie à ce qui était autrefois une ville en ruine. Découvrez le jeu à Atlantic City, c'est excitant et amusant.

9 Jan 10

Botswana is one of Africa’s success stories; a city of varied natural ambiance, affluent assets, additionally a fast-advancing tourist domain, engrossed by its proximity to South Africa and also by its breathtaking game reserves and national parks. Botswana casinos are a growing portion of the economy, and casinos have developed in numerous cities in the country, such as the capital, Gaborone, and the northern capital, Francis Town. Appropriately, the Botswana government has taken grand measures to ensure that the creation of Botswana casinos goes in line with the expanding numbers of outside travelers.

Francis Town is the largest city in northern Botswana and also home to two casinos, the Marang Hotel, along with the Admiral at the Thapama Hotel. The city was the site of southern Africa’s earliest "gold rush" in the middle of the nineteenth century, which attracted folks from across the world in search of their fortune. Regrettably for them, the gold proved hard and expensive to mine, and many of the mining operations fell into disuse, regardless a couple remain. Today, the casinos of Francis Town allot gamers with the likelihood to get lucky; there is still gold here, if you are just lucky enough to find it!

Apart from Francis Town, the other primary center for Botswana casinos is the capital, Gaborone. This is home to Botswana’s biggest casinos, the Grand Palm Hotel Casino Resort, which has 17 table games and over two hundred and fifty slots and video gaming machines, the Gaborone Sun Casino, which is the earliest and most enormous casino in Botswana, as well as an innovative development at the Gaborone Hotel. As a result, the capital is making a bid to appeal to several of the casino gambling business away from its northern competitor, and make itself a favorable location for faraway travelers on the way to the national parks of Chobe and Okavango in the north of Botswana, which are the country’s chief tourist interests at present.

Africans like casino gambling, and Botswana casinos are designed to be appealing to locals and all gamblers from other places. Recognizing this, the government has been on guard not to put pressure on the Botswana casino industry with regulations and prohibitions, though the industry has clearly cautiously been examined to assure that it upholds the best manner of probity. Therefore, the Botswana casino sector forges ahead to grow to meet the demand of persons from all over the world, desirous to ascertain their fortune, like the prospectors of old.

4 Jan 10

[ English ]

Washington state provides a number of casino and gambling options. A good many Washington casinos run by local Native tribes are conveniently situated in close proximity to thoroughfares or cities. Twenty-seven Washington casinos are operated in Native American lands. Each and everyone of Washington’s casinos offer slots, roulette, blackjack, craps, and video poker. Other table games, such as baccarat banque, poker in assorted forms, off-track betting, keno, and bingo are playable at a few casinos. The gaming age changes by casino, with a few allowing wagering at 18, and others not until 21years of age. A number of other casinos operate in Washington, as well, like card rooms, or so-called mini-casinos. There are many horse tracks in Washington, and wagering is available at all of them.

Twenty-four of Washington’s 27 amerindian casinos also provide a computerized type of scratch off lottery tickets. These coin-operated machines have a $5 limit and operate using cards purchased at the casino, instead of cash. The minimum pay out on these machines is by law 75%, set by the state. Washington casinos are required to report payouts on slots.

Washington casinos vary from tiny freestanding operations to large get-a-ways with hotels, dining rooms, beauty salons, and shows. Some of the Washington casinos with resorts would make a good starting point for a longer vacation, allowing you to feel the natural wonder of Washington and make day junkets into big urban areas for sightseeing. Las Vegas esque shows and productions are presented at a few Washington casinos.

Washington’s gambling rules allow for a fair amount of leeway with regards to allowed gambling in Washington casinos, as well as for humanitarian gaming. Internet wagering, however, is illegal in Washington and is a class C felony. Online horse betting is allowed in a handful of circumstances. No charge or practice money web wagering remains allowed. Washington casinos did not speak out on the new restrictions, certainly because they clearly are positioned to benefit from them.

Washington casinos can be a fun deviation or day trip for Washington citizens, an outstanding way to have a night on the city, or an exciting stop on a Washington trip. Why, one of the many Washington casino resorts might even be a vacation in itself. Washington’s gambling laws allow for exciting, legal, wagering throughout the state in all of the many fine Washington casinos, so you are certain to find one you will like, it doesn’t matter if you prefer the nickel slots or high-stakes poker.